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XVII Conference of Environmental Psychology

General rules

All submissions should be sent by online form until September 30, 2024. It is not mandatory to be registered in the conference to submit a proposal. The registration payment may be done after the proposal acceptation by the Scientific Committee, that will be communicated before December 1st, 2024. There is no limit of number of authors by proposal. Yet, the conference program will only cite the first three authors and the rest of authors as “et al.” The certificate will include all author names, every time it is possible.

Each participant registered in the conference may present a maximum of three presentations (oral presentations and posters). At least, one author must be registered at the conference.

In every presentation, either symposium, oral presentation or poster, the visual support should be in English, although the presentation may be in Spanish, Portuguese or English.

Each proposal should indicate the thematic area (although there may be changes due to the conference organization needs), the type of presentation (symposium, oral presentation or poster), as well as the presentation language (Spanish, Portuguese or English). Also, submission may indicate whether the proposal is candidate to the VII Rocío Martín Award for Young Researchers.

Abstract format

The abstract should have a maximum of 500 words, including a 100 words brief abstract in English, and a 400 words extended abstract in the presentation language (Spanish, Portuguese or English), according to the following format:
Title: should be brief and reflect the work content.

  1. Abstract: maximum of 100 words, in English, with a work synthesis, and without references.
  2. Keywords: between 3 and 5.
  3. Introduction: include a brief reference to the theoretical background, the objective and hypothesis, if this is the case.
  4. Method: include research participants description, design and instruments.
  5. Results: include most relevant results, without including tables or figures.
  6. Conclusions: include main work conclusions.
  7. Abstracts must follow APA (Seventh Edition, 2019) format.

Type of presentation

1. Poster
Poster measures must be 80X100 centimetres, in vertical direction.

Posters must remain exposed at the placards during the session period. One or more of the authors should be present during the entire poster session period to present and debate their work.

2. Oral presentation
Oral presentation will be organized in thematic sessions of 90 minutes approximately. In each session will be presented a maximum of 5 presentations, and there will be an approximate 30 minutes discussion period in the end of the session. Each participant will have a maximum of 10 minutes to present the work. Visual support should be in English and include a maximum of 8 slides, using preferably ne for the theoretical introduction, and the other slides for method, results and conclusions. Offline presentation documents are recommended, preferably PDF.

Participants should be present in the room 10 minutes before the beginning of the session to transfer the presentation to the room computer. The presentation must not exceed 500 Mb.

3. Symposium
Symposiums will have a duration of 90 minutes. Symposiums should have a moderator and four or five participants that will discuss a same subject (moderator may be one of the participants). Symposiums participants coming from at least three different research centres is recommended.

The symposium moderator must submit the 4 or 5 abstracts for the symposium, and a general abstract including and justifying the main questions proposed for discussion at the symposium.

The moderator will present the symposium during a maximum of 5 minutes. After, each participant will present its work during a maximum of 10 minutes. At the end, there will be a discussion about the proposed symposium questions.

The procedure for submission of a symposium is: the moderator submits all the abstracts at the online platform. The title is always the symposium title followed by the word ABSTRACT and a number. The ABSTRACT 0 will be the symposium general abstract, which author will be the moderator. The rest of presentations will be the ABSTRACT 1, ABSTRACT 2, ABSTRACT 3, etc. Each individual presentation may have its specific title that will be included in abstract section. All symposium presentations must have the same keywords.

The number of symposiums will be limited, and accordingly the proposals will be evaluated by their actuality, number of research group or centres and abstracts quality. Each participant at the conference may participate in only one symposium.

Submission norms

When submitting an abstract, should indicate whether it is an oral presentation, poster or symposium submission. Confirmation of oral communication or poster is reserved for the organization of the congress. Each participant may submit a maximum of three abstracts.

It should also be indicated the thematic area in which it is desired to include the abstract and if wish to participate in the VII Rocío Martín Award for Young Researchers in Environmental Psychology.

The deadline for abstract submission is September 30, 2024.

Acceptance notification is due by December 1st, 2024.

All abstracts must be submitted online from the link at the bottom of the page.

After acceptance notification by the Scientific Committee, all participants should register at the conference website, using the registration form.

At least one of the authors must be registered at the conference to present an abstract.