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XVII Conference of Environmental Psychology

Call for VII Rocío Martín Award for Young Researchers in Environmental Psychology

The award, promoted by the Association of Environmental Psychology (PSICAMB) will be awarded by a jury and has an economic endowment funded by the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.


The award is intended to non-doctoral researchers who present a work related to the theme of the XVII Congress of Environmental Psychology and, in a generic way, with the scope of Environmental Psychology.

Candidate works may be submitted individually or signed by more than one author, with the first author always being the person who is applying for the prize.

The person applying for the prize can only submit a single candidate work.

The work presented in this call cannot be submitted to another modality.

Works must be presented in poster format.


The jury is made up of:

  • the Dean of the Faculty of Psychology of the Autonomous University of Madrid (or person to whom he delegates),
  • the President of the Environmental Psychology Association (or person to whom he delegates),
  • the President of the Scientific Committee of the Conference of Environmental Psychology (or person to whom he delegates)
  • and two members from among the professors or researchers of Environmental Psychology appointed at the proposal of the Environmental Psychology Association for this precise purpose.

The prize will necessarily go to a person or several people who present a work at the Environmental Psychology Congress and who are training as researchers. In any case, they must be signatories of the awarded work. The jury may also award two honorary second prizes, to which an accrediting diploma will be given.

The prize will be 700 euros. The winning person, in addition to an accrediting diploma, will be exempt from paying the registration fee for the next Environmental Psychology Congress, as well as the fee corresponding to two years as a member of the Environmental Psychology Association. The award-winning work, as well as those with the mention of second prize, may be published in the journal PSYECOLOGY, provided that its authors subsequently adapt the presentation of the work to the scientific publication format and the publication standards of the journal.

The Jury may declare the prize void. In no case may the decision of the Jury be appealed and any incident will be resolved by the full Jury by drafting a record to that effect.


All proposals will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee. Candidates will receive a notification concerning the acceptance of their proposals. Posters candidates to the VII Rocío Martín Award will be presented in a monographic session.

Jury will examine the posters and discuss with authors.

The award announcement will take place before the end of the conference, in a moment that will be specified in the program.